All dwelings are heated, lighted and furnished (single beds only). Those at 66 de Carillon and 27 de Braves-du-Coin are equiped with a central air conditioning and air handling system.
The wiring for the phone and the cable is present in each dwelling. The tenants who want to use theese services, have to get them connected at their expense. All the dwellings include the followig furniture : fridge, captain bed, good quality mattress, computer desk, table and chair. The batchelors also include an electric cooking stove. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Available presently, 66, de Carillon #1 Gatineau/Hull. Very small room with acces to shared bathroom with 2 roommates (2 showers and 1 toilet) and kitchen shared with 9 roommates. monthly rent 375 $. Aproximative size : 2.25m x 2.25m. (Upper level) You can see photos of a similar room with the following link ______________________________________________________________________________________________
available presently, 66, de Carillon #7 Gatineau/Hull. Room with acces to shared bathroom with 3 roommates (2 showers and 1 toilet) and kitchen shared with 9 roommates. monthly rent 400 $. Aproximative size : 3.75m x 2.8m. (Upper level)
You can see photos of a similar room with the following link :
Available presently, 66, de Carillon #16 Gatineau/Hull, room wiyh a private bathroom and acces to a shared kitchen with five roommates (very quiet and clean). Monthly rent 500 $. Approximative size 4.2m x 3m. (Ground level) You can see photos with the following link _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Other dwellings will probably become available soon. If You wish us to put your name on our waiting list, Copy/paste in an email document #2 showing at the end of the present section, complete it and sent it to We could then contact you as soon as something suiting your need would become available.
arking spaces might be available at 40 $ a month, Those spaces are granted on a 'first arrived, first served' base. Many leases end at the same time as university sessions (30-4, 31-8, 31-12). An extra charge is applied for leases of less than 8 months signed in september and/or ending at a different time than university sessions. Weekly rental available during summer. See rates for short term rental at the end of the present section. To make a reservation request, please, 'copy/paste' in a email document #1 appearing below, complete it and send it to To propose a visit appointment, 'copy/paste' in a email document #3 apearing below, complete it and send it to ============================================================================ DOCUMENT #1 ========== DEMANDE DE LOGEMENT/DWELLING APPLICATION : LE PIED-À TERRE HULLOIS DATE: NOM/NAME: DATE DE NAISSANCE/DATE OF BIRTH: NO.ASSURANCE SOCIALE/SOCIAL INSURANCE #: TELEPHONE #: ADRESSE ACTUELLE/PRESENT ADDRESS : DEPUIS QUAND/SINCE WHEN: RAISON DU DÉPART/DEPARTURE REASON: NOM DU PROPRIÉTAIRE/LANDLORD'S NAME: SON # TÉL/HIS TEL. # : TYPE DE LOGEMENT DÉSIRÉ/TYPE OF DWELLING WANTED : ( ) chambre ordinaire/regular room (310$/355$), ( ) chambre avec salle de bain privée/room with private bath room(405$/435$), ( ) studio/garçonnière/batchelor(545$/625 $). DATE PRÉVU D'ARRIVÉE/FORCASTED DATE OF ARRIVAL : DURÉE PRÉVUE DU SÉJOURL/FORCASTED LENGHT OF STAY : BUDGET POUR LOYER MENSUEL/BUDGET FOR MONTHLY RENT : STATIONNEMENT REQUIS/ PARKING REQUIRED (oui ou non/yes or no) 40$ extra : REMISAGE D'AUTO REQUIS/CAR STORAGE REQUIRED (oui ou non/yes or no) 10$ extra : PERSONAL REFERENCES NAM, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF REFFERENCE : NAM, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF PERSON TO CONTACT IN CASE OF EMERGENCY : Email address of closest relative (idealy in country or city of origin) : OCCUPATION ACTUEL/PRESENT OCCUPATION : DURÉE DU BAIL/LENGHT OF LEASE : MONTANT DU LOYER MENSUEL/AMOUNT OF MONTHLY RENT : JE CONSENT À CE QUE LE DESTINATAIRE DU PRÉSENT DOCUMENT RECUEILLE TOUS LES RENSEIGNEMENTS JUGÉS NÉCESSAIRES À LA PRESTATION DES SERVICES REQUIS. L'ENQUÊTE DE PRÉ-LOCATION AINSI QUE L'ENQUÊTE DE CRÉDIT SONT AUTORISÉS PAR LE FAIT MÊME .I HERBY AGREE THAT THE ADDRESSEE OF THE PRESENT DOCUMENT COLLECTS ALL THE NECESSARY INFORMATION TO THE BENEFIT OF REQUIRED SERVICES. THE PRE-RENTAL INVESTIGATION AS WELL AS THE CREDIT INVESTIGATION ARE THEREFORE AUTHORIZED. SIGNATURE______________________________ ===================================================================== DOCUMENT #2 INSCRIPTION SUR LISTE D'ATTENTE INSCRIPTION ON WAITING LIST LE PIED-À TERRE HULLOIS DATE: NOM/NAME: DATE DE NAISSANCE/DATE OF BIRTH: TELEPHONE #: CELLULAIRE #: ADRESSE ACTUELLE/PRESENT ADDRESS : DESCRIPTION DU LOGEMENT DÉSIRÉ/DESCRIPTION OF THE TYE OF DWELLING DESIRED : (coché le type de logement souhaité/chekmark the type of dweling desired) ( ) chambre ordinaire/regular room (310$/355$), ( ) chambre avec salle de bain privée/room with private bath room(380$/415$), ( ) studio/garçonnière/batchelor(430$/625$). DATE PRÉVU D'ARRIVÉE/FORCASTED DATE OF ARRIVAL : DURÉE PRÉVUE DU SÉJOURL/FORCASTED LENGHT OF STAY : BUDGET POUR LOYER MENSUEL/BUDGET FOR MONTHLY RENT : STATIONNEMENT REQUIS/ PARKING REQUIRED (oui ou non/yes or no) 40$ extra : REMISAGE D'AUTO REQUIS/CAR STORAGE REQUIRED 10$ extra (oui ou non/yes or no) : OCCUPATION ACTUEL/PRESENT OCCUPATION : ====================================================================== DOCUMENT #3 ========== APPOINTMENT PROPOSAL Here after 3 different moments when i would be available to visit your place : 1- (aa-mm-jj-hre/yy-mm-dd-time) 2- (aa-mm-jj-hre/yy-mm-dd-time) 3- (aa-mm-jj-hre/yy-mm-dd-time) rates for short term rental: An extra charge (to be negociated) is applied for leases of less than 8 months signed in september and/or ending at a different time than university sessions. Reservation made upon the : 1rst and 5th week of the month : 65 % of monthly rent
Stays not ending at the same time as a university session (31-12, 30-4, 31-8) 1 month stay : 150 % of monthly rent 2 months stay : 130% 3 months stay : 120 % 4 months stay and + : 110% N.B. A credit could be negotiated if a stay is extended.